Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Orion (Ori)  ·  Contains:  58 alf Ori  ·  Betelgeuse  ·  The star Betelgeuse (αOri)
Betelgeuse - the Red Supergiant, Capturing Ancient Photons
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Betelgeuse - the Red Supergiant

Betelgeuse - the Red Supergiant, Capturing Ancient Photons
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Betelgeuse - the Red Supergiant



Acquisition details



Betelgeuse is the tenth-brightest star in the night sky and lies in the constellation of Orion. It is classified as a red Supergiant and calculations of its mass range from slightly under ten to a little over twenty times that of the Sun! Betelgeuse has evolved rapidly because of its large mass and is expected to end its evolution with a supernova explosion, most likely within 100,000 years. So I got in quick lol! This target was shot in a 70% bright moon using LRGB filters to create the colour image. Gradients were hard to mitigate so I hope the end result is decent enough.


Sky plot

Sky plot


Betelgeuse - the Red Supergiant, Capturing Ancient Photons